Efficient Egg Processing Facility

DJW Beamond has recently submitted a 32,000 free range egg unit to Powys County Council for planning consent in order to capitalise on the high demand for free range welsh egg. Confronted with a need to process eggs to a high standard with limited losses I am proposing to install an egg processing facility.

The facility would comprise a state of the art building housing a high specification processing line consisting of an egg conveyer, egg packer, egg stacker, egg palletising robot, chilled egg storage and egg loading bay, operated with the aid of solar power on a three phase grid connection.

Utilising specialist egg processing equipment will ensure market demands are met, enabling a profit margin that will facilitate future expansion. Increasing the sustainability and financial resilience of DJW Beamond in this way is imperative to the future employment and succession within the business.

Project details

Funding amount:
Funding source:
Food Business Investment Scheme


Daniel Beamond

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