Pen Dinas Hill-Fort: Exploring the Celtic Coast

The purpose of the Exploring the Celtic Coast Feasibility Study by Penparcau Community Forum was to research the viability of numerous elements that would have a positive economic, cultural, educational and environmental impacts upon the region, the community and its identity and in the Dyfi Biosphere.

The aim was to celebrate and highlight Pen Dinas as an important site of immense historical value to our immediate community and the wider area. The project focused on creating and developing structures and initiatives that enhance and provide improved access to the local natural and built environment. Together with promoting opportunities for joint co-operation actions related to the natural landscape within a Biosphere area and, deliver alternative methods of delivering tourist information in the area.
From undertaking a feasibility study and geophysical survey of the site it has confirmed that a low mound on the hilltop is a Bronze Age round barrow. This is a grave site, where the cremated remains of an important figure would have been buried over 3500 years ago.

The results of this project are of an educational interest. Due to the reserve’s proximity to local schools and the University, it makes an interesting local site for students. Following the completion of the project the RCAHMW have indicated that they would be prepared to undertake a detailed topographical survey of Pen Dinas hillfort in association with any future community-led project relating to the Scheduled Monument.


Project details

Funding amount:
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund


Cynnal y Cardi
Telephone number:
01545 572063
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