Carwen Bethesda

Arloesi Gwynedd Wledig are launching a new community electric car scheme to give people better transport links in rural areas.

They have two cars, one located at Dyffryn Ogwen Community Library in Bethesda and the other at Y Ganolfan Gymunedol in Abergynolwyn. People can book and use them if they want to get somewhere when buses, trains or taxis are not available or would cost too much.

Community cars can make it easier for people in rural areas to get to job interviews, hospital appointments, or just to do the shopping.

The scheme will be officially launching on Saturday 9th of November at Neuadd Ogwen Bethesda and Sunday 10th of November at Y Ganolfan Gymunedol in Abergynolwyn.

Neil Lewis, Renew Wales Co-ordinator, Energy Local Manager at Carmarthenshire Energy and self-confessed electric vehicle nerd will be giving a talk at both events.

He explains:

“Shared ownership of electric vehicles can make a huge difference to Welsh communities. Lowering the cost of transport, improving the convenience whilst combating the climate emergency. Electric vehicles are also great to drive. Wait until you feel the torque. As people get an opportunity to experience the joy of EV motoring they will be encouraged to leave diesel/petrol in the past where they will soon belong.”

On Saturday 9th of November between 9am and 12pm at Llys Dafydd Community Garden in Bethesda people can drop by and take a tour of the car and find out more about the project. There will be free hot drinks and local apple juice. And then at 12pm in the upstairs bar at Neuadd Ogwen will be Neil Lewis' talk about EVs including his personal experience of EVs, community energy projects and some myth busting, before an opportunity for an informal chat with Neil outside in Llys Dafydd over a free lunch, hot and hearty veggie soup and rolls (from Caffi Coed y Brenin, served from the cwt).

On Sunday 10th of November between 12pm and 2pm at Y Ganolfan Gymunedol in Abergynolwyn there will be a chance to be taken for a spin! Drop by for a tour of the car and to be driven on a demo drive around Abergynolwyn to experience the car in action! At 3pm inside the Ganolfan will be Neil Lewis' talk again about EVs including his personal experience of EVs, community energy projects and some myth busting. 

The cars, named Carwyn and Carwen, will be managed by Partneriaeth Ogwen in Bethesda and Egni Abergynolwyn. 

For more information contact Rhys on 01766 514 057 or  

This project has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government. It’s also part funded by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and Gwynedd Council.