David Williams

I started my first business at 23 and haven’t looked back!

Made loads of mistakes but never the same one twice so am constantly learning about myself and people

I enjoy the sales side of the business and the process management of giving the customer a first class journey as best as the business can manage
I have dealt with most of the major high street retailers and online companies and we are currently working with the likes of Apple, Microsoft, Google, BT, TalkTalk and Amazon to try and enable the 11.3 million people in the UK that are currently offline with low cost hardware and affordable broadband

I like to find the reason and the drive behind a business to help get the best out of all the time we have when mentoring and find the whole journey exciting.

  • Full name:
    David Williams
  • Business name:
    Happus Limited & GSN
  • Role:
    Founder & Managing Director
  • Location: