Phil Hayes

With my skill set firmly grounded in an early career as a Production/Manufacturing engineer I spent my next 18 years in a variety of Senior Operations and Supply Chain management roles within some very well know brand name companies. I am proud to say I contributed to those businesses achieving year on year growth in some very difficult market conditions.
In 2013 I made a decision to change my career direction and branch out into mentoring and coaching people in organisations to achieve the best from those individuals employed and improve their business processes concurrently.
When I decided to take up this lifestyle change I made it based upon 3 very distinct outcomes:
1. A personal yearning to follow a career path where I felt my true vocation lies and to do something that I really felt happy to get up in the mornings for.
2. A genuine desire to help people who are, or could be, going through some of the anguish, frustration and stress that I encountered in trying to achieve “best performance” from my teams and no-one to guide and counsel me as to whether what I was trying to do was good for business or even the best route to take.
3. A need to change my existence before I drove myself into an early grave. I wanted a life/work balance I had not been able to achieve for quite some years and demonstrate to others that you can have the best of both worlds if approached in the right manner.
As well as helping to develop desired strategies into realistic outcomes, I have achieved my successes through a mixture of rapport, good leadership and team building development in and around an organisations structure.

Business top-tip

“The goal of many leaders is to get people to think more highly of the leader. The goal of a great leader is to help people to think more highly of themselves.” — J. Carla Nortcutt

Phil Hayes
  • Full name:
    Phil Hayes
  • Business name:
    Phoenix Imagineering Ltd
  • Role:
    Senior Consultant
  • Location:
    North West