Paul Dennis

33 Years experience in Industry, 25 years in management and leadership positions.
Last 20 years lived and worked in Europe, South Africa, South Asia and the Middle East MBA and Fellowship in Management from Cranfield University.
Last Role 4 years as CEO, fortune 500, Major Technology/Energy company in Middle East.
Previously six years as head of operations globally (COO) for industrial hardware/software business and 9 years as head of an international Management Consultancy focussed on technology and energy.
Frost and Sullivan Award for business growth.
Experience in growth, change management, team work, mergers, divestment, advanced manufacturing, expert in lean and six
sigma, export, software and industrial control.

Business top-tip

“If you believe you can you're right or believe you can’t, you’re also right.” – Henry Ford

Paul Dennis
  • Full name:
    Paul Dennis
  • Business name:
    xifty ltd
  • Role:
    Managing Director
  • Location: