James Yu

James is a chartered engineer, an IET Fellow and a Royal Engineering Academy Industry Fellow/Professor. He is the convenor of a joint CIGRE Medium Voltage DC Working Group: C6/B4.37. James is also the UK Regular Member of B4 (HVDC).

James joined the electricity industry after he finished studying at Newcastle upon Tyne. James is currently accountable for innovation projects at SP Energy Networks. His team are working on flagship innovation projects at national and European level, and pushing innovation into business, working with 186 SME and over 15 universities in the last 5 years.

James is passionate about education, IPR commercialisation and fully aware of its profound impact on young people’s futures. He is a PhD supervisor and visiting professor at Glasgow University, University of Newcastle upon Tyne and the University of Manchester. James published over 50 academic papers covering electricity market, transmission network control, renewable generation and engineering education.