Marc Brown

Before embarking upon my business whirlwind, I attended and aced my Business Degree and Masters in Marketing to set the foundations for a lifetime of opportunity making and market gap filling. Having played a hand in several projects and consultancy groups throughout student life, hitting the ground running after graduation was a dream start in ‘The Big Wide World’.

A wealth of qualifications and academic achievements support my day-to-day running of my micro-brand, Sporting Hares. The company has grown from an idea during a country walk to an award-winning portfolio of high-quality lifestyle products. As the person behind the hares, I run the company from my own learned experiences, adventurous lifestyle paradigms and, importantly, straight-forward approach.

A rich mix of hardworking entrepreneurism and refreshing social networking allow me to enjoy meeting and, more importantly, connecting with a wide range of people, businesses and exciting projects. In line with the Sporting Hares ‘Local Hares’ project of supporting and promoting local businesses, projects and people, mentoring will fit perfectly and supplement both my brand’s and my own goals and objectives. As an adviser on several sports club boards, I am relishing my opportunity to turn to mentoring to at least be a sounding-board for local business talents whilst growing my own network of professionals.

Business top-tip

"Don’t ever settle. Always aim for more. Much more"!

Marc Brown
  • Full name:
    Marc Brown
  • Role:
  • Location: