Marina Kogan

Marina Kogan’s early career began as a teacher of languages – at the National Economics Academy in Irkutsk, Russian Federation and as a specialist interpreter/translator for the Siberian Scientific Institute of Earth Magnetism, Ionosphere and Magnetic Fields Distribution.

Marina developed her career when she moved to the UK to include the delivery of a host of enterprising initiatives with educational establishments, British and Russian enterprises and businesses. Marina is a professionally qualified Marketing Manager and has held senior positions such as International Marketing Manager, during which she successfully identified new business opportunities and developed management courses, business tourism, EFL and constructed a robust business network with the industrial companies and educational establishments with the UK and Eastern Europe.

Building on her experience Marina identified the importance of coaching in business environment and so became a qualified coach, motivator and NLP practitioner, accredited by the Coaching Academy. Marina utilises her 20 years’ experience of working with young people in various environments, and over 15 years experience in international business to produce valuable tangible coaching results.

Kogan Coaching programmes are designed to empower clients with the ability, focus and motivation required for achieving personal and professional goals. Marina’s incisive approach is designed to discover the 'inner brilliance' of coaching clients. This is achieved by using a variety of models and techniques. Marina is an expert on ‘identity’ coaching, this is a vital aspect of knowing who you are and where you want your life to go or your business to develop.

Marina with her 2 colleagues has created a new coaching Salutogenic model which has been published in the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring and she is using it in her coaching and mentoring.

Marina has developed a range of workshops that cover the important issues of Organisational Development, Going thorough Change, Developing Resilience and Mental Toughness, Managing Stress, Building Confidence, with each participant developing personal action plan by the end of the workshop.

Marina now works with clients all over the world, from the south of France, to Russia and the UK.

Business top-tip

"Always believe in yourself! Magic in actions... just don’t stop, continue with your vision and your meaningful, deep in heart mission... and you will succeed!"

Marina Kogan
  • Full name:
    Marina Kogan
  • Role:
  • Location: