William Davies

Previous to moving back to Wales in 2010, William was Head of IT for Europe and the Middle East, operating out of London for AIG Investments, a financial investment company. William’s remit was to manage and operate the technology infrastructure, and it’s workforce for the London, Madrid, Milan, Frankfurt, Berlin, Faro, Palma, Moscow, Dubai, Amsterdam, Vilnius, Bratislava, Strasbourg, Berlin, and Dublin locations.

Having experience in creating and running tech businesses for a number of years, alongside valuable knowledge gleaned from multi-national corporations and demanding Investment Banks, William is pleased to be able to offer this experience and knowledge to the amazing people of Wales who need a helping hand, and to also help them raise standards to the very best levels an individual or organisation can offer.

Having experience in property management and lettings businesses, and some retail experience, and also being at times at the forefront of fresh ideas and business fashions, has helped William develop his own businesses and help others along the way.

Outside of work, he is enthusiastic about DIY, currently building his second home extension, alongside spending far too much time buying and driving various vehicles.

In William’s early life, he has worked as an electrician’s mate, burger-kiosk operator, arcade machine emptier, quality controller for an electronics company, fixed TVs and videos, installed Sky TV systems, and even worked in Iceland frozen food stores.

William is qualified in several City & Guilds in digital electronics, studied in north Wales for a National Diploma, but has since gained Prince2 Practitioner status alongside many other trade qualifications.

He is keen to stress a university education is not always the key to success.

Business top-tip

"When you’re 75% of the way through a project, start dreaming up the next one."

William Davies
  • Full name:
    William Davies
  • Role:
  • Location: