Peter Bannister (Dr)

Dr Peter Bannister has held senior executive positions in multiple high-tech university spin-outs, has over 15 years' experience
translating novel imaging technologies from lab to market and is senior advisor to companies working in fields such as AI and
minimally-invasive surgery. He has successfully bid for over £4m in public sector grants and has been instrumental in raising
over £13m in venture capital funding across several start-up businesses.
Peter was awarded his DPhil (PhD) from the University of Oxford, where he was one of the original developers of the Functional
MRI of the Brain (FMRIB) Software Library for neuroimage analysis.
Subsequently he held a post-doctoral research appointment in machine learning for complex industrial systems in collaboration
with Rolls-Royce Plc.
He also taught engineering science at Oxford for over a decade and remains a passionate advocate for education and
professional development across the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) subjects.
Peter is a Chartered Engineer and is Executive Chairman of the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s Healthcare Sector.

Business top-tip

Keep talking to your end users, studying the market dynamics and be prepared to update your plans

Peter Bannister (Dr)
  • Full name:
    Peter Bannister (Dr)
  • Business name:
    Bannister Technologies
  • Role:
    Owner, Lead Consultant
  • Location: