Nicola Jayne John

I have worked in the manufacturing, construction, and training sectors for over 30 years, with over 15 years of leadership and director roles. I have vast experience of training and development, having worked as a management trainer for 7 years and training and developing my staff as a leader of organisations. I am a results driven leader, with experience of lean process improvement, system adherence and business growth strategies. I have written user friendly business procedures and policies for ISO, H&S, environmental, quality and manufacturing compliance which are easy to follow, sensible and provide structure to companies to aid growth and maximise profits. I have spent over 15 years writing tender bids in construction and manufacturing for work in the social housing sector and am proficient in project management, KPI adherence, multiskilling the workforce and reducing waste to aid efficiencies. I use the management theories I used to teach in a user-friendly way in a business setting to provide structure to strategy planning and company growth. I know the power of a good mentor as I have used them during my career and have also provided mentoring to colleagues, staff and other business leaders in my consultancy role.

Business top-tip

Use the continuous improvement cycle as a benchmark for all areas of the business “Plan, do, check, act”
For strategy, finance, operations, staff development etc.
It works whatever business you are in.
Paying particular attention to the review/check stage in order to continuously improve all aspects of the company.

Nicola Jayne John
  • Full name:
    Nicola Jayne John
  • Business name:
    NJJ Business Solutions Ltd
  • Role:
  • Location: