I have been a qualified business mentor and coach for over 20 years, working with start-up businesses, and high-growth businesses of all sizes and sectors; I have helped with grants, funding and capital applications; carried out extensive reviews of their systems, processes and procedures to make sure they are fit for purpose and do not get in the way of performance. I am proud to have been recognised for my skills when I received a Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion. I currently train coaches and mentors through The Management Centre/Grwp Llandrillo Menai Professional Development. As part of my own ongoing professional development, I am training to be a level 7 mentor/coach supervisor – a course I am thoroughly enjoying and finding highly complementary to my skills of both mentoring and coaching.
I am passionate about people and business and excited by watching and supporting them to grow and be the very best – watching, listening and using my empathy and intuition to energise and enable people to flourish. I am their 'listening ear', but the one to challenge at the right time. Clients tell me that I am highly regarded for my skills as mentor and coach, and compelling facilitator.
My mentoring and coaching skills are complemented by my skills as a yoga, meditation and mindfulness teacher, and the cross-over comes from applying to businesses my ability to understand stress and apply the appropriate solutions to organisations.
I regard it as a privilege to be invited to work with people and their organisation.