It provides more detail on WNMP policies to help ensure effective and consistent implementation. It provides information on requirements that apply, governance, other legislation and definitions of terms used within the WNMP. It also provides specific guidance relevant to each WNMP policy. Public Authorities need to consider this guidance, when taking decisions which may affect the plan area. It sits alongside other non-statutory plan related policy, guidance and evidence to support marine planning for Wales...
Catch recording and inshore vessel monitoring system: Important information
This change requires all licenced under 10m fishing vessel owners to record their catch for each fishing trip. Below is additional guidance to help you understand the process and advise you of some changes that have been introduced in light of feedback received from both fishers and other interested parties. Information about the Catch Recording service can be found here: Registration If you have not received an invite to register for the Catch Recording...
Catch recording in Wales – ready to record from 00:01hrs 28 February 2020
Three quarters of the UK’s active small scale fishing fleet have so far signed up for the Service and over 5,000 catches have already been recorded. The mobile app (which has been developed for Apple and Android devices) as well as a web version, can be used on a phone, tablet or computer. The app allows records to be logged even when the service is off-line as the information is stored. They are automatically sent...