Beverley Jones
Beverley Jones describes 2009 as her 'annus horribilis'; a year that saw her crash out of her 30 years corporate career diagnosed with depression and severe anxiety. Her ‘burnout period’ lasted a year, and in August 2010 she opened the doors to her coaching business, Awaken. Beverley’s experience has led her to now live her vision and her dream of becoming a published author and successful business owner. It’s through these avenues that she continues to help many others understand that riches start within and not in the material, physical world.
Since then, she has worked with many clients both personal and business coaching them through one-to-one sessions and group workshops. In 2012 Beverly published ‘Made it thru the Rain’ charting her inspirational journey through depression and into recovery.
Now Beverley is launching The South East Wales Business Show 2017 with the aim to assist businesses to reach their full potential. Her knowledge of the small business, corporate and public service worlds is extensive, as a result when working as a small business coach and mentor, Beverley can literally hold your hand as you travel along the path of setting up and growing a business from scratch.
In 2017 Beverley recently received the Welsh Government Business Wales – Excellence in Mentoring, Mentor of the Year supporting Existing Business award at a ceremony at City Hall in Cardiff.
Beverley is also in the process of setting up a ‘Mentoring Network Group’ in the summer of 2017, a network with a difference. If you would like to be kept informed of details contact Beverley at

Full name:Beverley Jones
Role:Managing Director