David Royston Williams

David was one of the many faces of Vodafone for nearly 2 decades working in many differing roles including retail management, store training and improving the product range and service offered to special user groups, such as the partially sighted. He has worked from Bangor to London over the course of his career and at the age of 40 and with his family experiencing illness and changes to their own lives, he enrolled on his BA course in Management and Business. 

David had if you like ‘been there and got the t-shirt’ in terms of his everyday working life, yet he felt that in order to be competent and consistent in his future roles and career choices, he needed to have a more round academic understanding of business.

Sales, customer service, people, creative thinking and training are really part of his core knowledge pool because he has shown a natural aptitude for them as well as receiving some of the highest quality training by a major international brand (Vodafone).

David has had the pleasure of being in an organisation that has grown from really only a few hundred people to thousands of employees, all working it would seem for the same strategic goals.

What David brings to this role is an empathetic ear and he strives to provide accurate and honest advice and support to people, using techniques he has gained over his working life and more recently whilst studying for his Coaching and Mentoring Certificates at Bangor University.

Now the owner of his own small and growing business working in the digital advertising sector and the mobile optimised websites sector, David can not only understand and relate to the strains and concerns of being in business, but he can understand and see the positives amongst the field of negatives, reminding not only himself of why he has chosen to work for himself, but for others to see the reasons as well.

Does David know everything about business - absolutely NOT! Is he teaching himself everyday - Yes! He wants to see people succeed and that sometimes isn’t set in monetary terms, it can be a few extra hours with your family, a chance to try your own ideas, anything you want it to be.

Away from work David is a keen walker and has also for many years been involved professionally in gym instruction and health and fitness.

Business top-tip

Strategy should be like a plastic ruler, flexible enough to deal with the day to day stresses of its purpose, yet not breakdown and become unusable.

David Royston Williams
  • Full name:
    David Royston Williams
  • Role:
  • Location: