Katy Carlisle

I’ve been freelance since 2013 and run my own business as a Squarespace web designer and trainer under the brand of SQSP Queen (formerly The Wheel Exists). Prior to this I spent six years working for sustainability non-profits, gradually moving towards a more tech-focused role before deciding to set up my own business. 

As a former teacher, I enjoy delivering training and helping people to feel more comfortable using technology; I’m a confident presenter and have been a speaker or panellist at a number of events. I’ve also worked with several Universities to talk about my experience of freelancing. 

In addition to my Squarespace work, I run a subscription software business with my partner called Community Box; I’m involved in the design, marketing, strategy and business development. I’m also involved in a few side projects including a community for freelancers, an online magazine and a podcast tackling freelance challenges. 
Volunteer experience:

•    Campaign manager, Manchester Friends of the Earth (2008-12) 
•    Business mentor, Manchester Business Growth Hub (2014-17)
•    General volunteer, Third Sector Café (organisation supporting non-profits in Sheffield, 2015-17)
•    Local Network Leader, Women in Rural Enterprise (2017-18)

Skills and strengths:

•    Creative problem solving
•    Identifying patterns
•    Creating systems and processes
•    Time management
•    Ability to explain complex/technical concepts in a way that’s easy to understand
•    Attention to detail

Business top-tip

Don’t try to be everything to everyone; instead focus on how you want to do business and find the people who connect with that approach.

Katy Carlisle
  • Full name:
    Katy Carlisle
  • Business name:
    SQSP Queen
  • Role:
  • Location: