Luke LeSauteur

My name is Luke LeSauteur and I’m a hands on creative senior sales and marketing leader with 18+ years' experience working with SME’s, the Public Sector and large Corporations. 

I have a proven track record of establishing new and expanding current revenue streams, by creating and executing sales and marketing strategies to drive overall growth. I have a real passion for learning and people development - Able to understand organisational structures and procedures in-depth and thrive on new challenges.

My key competencies: *Account Management *Building Trust *Business Development *Brand Management *Critical and Creative Thinking *Interpersonal Skills and People management *Influence *Marketing Strategy *Networking *Negotiation *Project Management *Proposal and Presentation Writing *Retention and Reactivation Strategies *Social Media Marketing *Sales Process *Strategic Planning.

Courses completed:

  1. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving – Rochester Institute of Technology (2019)
  2. Effective Communication – Julian Treasure – 4-time TED Speaker (2017)
  3. The Complete Skilled Negotiator – The Gap Partnership – 3.5 day residential course (2017)
  4. Essential Negotiator – Hemsley Fraser (2016)
  5. Sales and Service - Gazing Performance Systems (2014)
  6. Professional Presenting – Love to Present (2014)

If you feel I could help with the sales and marketing aspects of your business, please feel free to connect with me.

Business top-tip

Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Luke LeSauteur
  • Full name:
    Luke LeSauteur
  • Business name:
    Employed by ReddeNorthgate Group
  • Role:
    Head of Sales
  • Location:
    Vale of Glamorgan