Manjit Biant

Manjit is a qualified accountant with a wealth of industry as well as a practical experience.  He currently lectures in business & finance for the University of Wales UWTSD.

He started his career as a n auditor then moved into industry.  He has worked in a number of sectors including Banking & Finance, Transportation & service industry.

He ran a successful business for a number of years which after selling changed careers into an International trainer and consultant.  He values the role of mentoring and offers key skills in entrepreneurship, business ideas, financial management and strategic thinking.  Being a great networker he is also able to provide help with useful connections and access to great leaders in their field.

Business top-tip

Rome was not built in a day- but when it was built, it conquered the World – Never Give UP!!

Manjit Biant
Manjit Biant
  • Full name:
    Manjit Biant
  • Role:
    Business & Accounting Lecturer
  • Location:
    Carmarthen / Swansea