Stephen Andrews

After a misspent youth climbing and mountaineering around Europe & North America. I went out to work at the age 30 with an early career in sales, moving from insurance to computer software. By 1997 I was a sales manager for Anchor Computer Systems Ltd in Llangefni selling and implementing systems for car supermarkets & car dealers.

Those system were redeveloped into Windows systems from DOS through the year 2000 and the millennium bug! The motor trade side of the business was then sold to Glasses Guide and I was sold with it. I did not get on with their very narrow view of my role and left and went back to Anchor selling and implementing Finance Systems both in Britain and, unfortunately, in the Caribbean which as you can imagine took a lot of my time!

Glasses discontinued one of my main motor trade products and I realized that if I had a program I would have a business, so one day I sat down to write my first computer program. To date I have sold close to £2,000,000 of that software and have a client base of approximately 300 businesses

I have expertise in software development, business growth, marketing esp BtoB, subscription-based business, business systems, accounting, integrating systems, remote working, sourcing talent abroad. 

As a mentor I just want you to do it more quickly and easily than I did!

Business top-tip

Early implementation of systems is easier and they grow with your business, do it later and its very much more difficult.

Stephen Andrews
  • Full name:
    Stephen Andrews
  • Business name:
    Autosales Systems Ltd
  • Role:
  • Location: