Terry Goodwin

I have over 25 years’ experience of the development and deployment of marketing strategy for a wide range of market sectors - from automotive to construction, from energy to packaging, from local markets to global markets. This expertise was developed at a senior level within Tata Steel and its predecessor companies. My various roles covered business development, customer technical service, product development and marketing. I was their Director for Marketing for 6 years prior to my retirement in 2016.

I am a scientist by training with a Ph.D. in Chemistry and a Chartered Engineer, however I have spent most of my career working on how best to get value from target markets. This interest resulted from my MBA studies in the late 90's when I specialised in international marketing. I also have a keen interest in innovation, new product development, digital marketing, sustainability and climate change – topics which can strongly influence the strategy and development of companies.

I am now keen to use this expertise and experience to help companies grow and succeed in their marketplace. I am looking to use these business skills, coupled with the mentoring skills that I developed over the years in various line management roles, to help individuals grow their business and succeed in leading their organisations. 

Over the years, I have led very large teams of scientists and marketing professionals and discovered that I have a passion for helping people develop and succeed in what they want to do. 

  • Full name:
    Terry Goodwin
  • Role:
  • Location: