Kuwait - night landscape

Supporting your export journey

The Welsh Government provides a range of support, guidance and advice that can assist you wherever you are on your journey

Explore the range of support on offer from the Welsh Government which can help you with each step of your journey.


Why export?

Whether you’re offering services, licences or products, exporting has the potential to transform almost every aspect of your business.

First steps

Exporting can pay dividends if you invest in sound planning and preparation.  There are a number of questions you should consider before embarking on your export journey.

Finding export opportunities

When you’re confident that you’re ready you’ll need to start looking for the opportunities in your chosen market. 

Getting to market

Virtual communications make it easier than ever to get in touch with contacts all over the world. However, it still holds true that people like to do business with people, and you will find that there’s no substitute for meeting your client face to face.