
Export Cluster Programme

Embrace the power of collaboration

The Export Cluster programme is focussed on supporting and developing an increase in the export performance of companies based within five priority export sectors for Wales.

Consumer Products

Please click the link above to find out more about our Consumer Products cluster.


Please click the link above to find out more about our MedTech cluster.


Please click the link above to find out more about our Technology cluster.

Renewables and Clean Energy

Please click the link above to find out more about our Renewables and Clean Energy cluster.

High Value Manufacturing

Please click the link above to find out more about our High Value Manufacturing cluster.

Companies invited to participate in the Programme range from relatively new and up-and-coming exporters through to those who are highly experienced and successful exporters looking to grow further still.

The Programme provides cluster members with a combination of one-to-many and one-to-one support designed specifically to support and enhance their export capacity, capabilities and performance. As well as receiving guidance from our cluster delivery partner, as a member, you will also be actively encouraged to collaborate with other members to create networks, partnerships and niche groups, as well as provide peer-to-peer mentoring support.

How can you benefit?
As a member of one of our export clusters, you will get the opportunity to network and learn from like-minded businesses as well as opportunities to attend events and activities focussed on removing barriers, overcoming obstacles and exploring export opportunities as identified by cluster members themselves.