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For further support or business advice call 03000 6 03000
Rydym yn croesawu galwadau’n Gymraeg / We welcome calls in Welsh
Please provide a brief summary of your company background and your product/service(s). Information provided about your company, product/service(s) and objectives may feature in a mission brochure which will be used to promote the visit in-market and/or for other uses. Please ensure your summary is tailored to the market being visited and refrain from using abbreviations. The mission manager may contact you for further details.
Please provide details of what your objectives are during your time in-market in as much detail as possible. Please note that your application may be declined if you do not provide sufficient and comprehensive visit objectives.
For some events, we promote the visit and participating companies on our website, in the press in Wales and in-market. Please confirm if you are happy for us to include your company in this activity.
Lead Delegate
Emergency contact
If different from the visit representatives, please provide details of the person whom we send all correspondence relating to this visit.
Please read the below statements and tick the boxes to confirm that you have read and agree to the terms.
The information you provided on the online form will only be used to arrange and confirm your travel. This information will be sent to our appointed Travel Agent who manage the travel arrangements. The information is stored electronically and will only be used for this project. It will be retained in accordance with Welsh Government policy on managing information.
As a result of the support provided by the Welsh Government to companies participating in this visit, we will be undertaking 6 and 12 month follow-ups. The purpose of these is to identify any further export business you have secured and any further support that can be provided.
I agree to supply the Welsh Government with any information relating to outcomes from our business following exhibition, and acknowledge that this will be treated in confidence and for internal use only. *
PLEASE NOTE:Information collected will be shared with fraud prevention agencies who will use it to prevent fraud and money-laundering and to verify identity. Further details of how your information will be used by us and these fraud prevention agencies, is explained in the privacy notice noted below.The information that you provide will be used by Welsh Government to process this application. It is necessary for us to collect this information in order for us to comply with our legal obligations under the schemes. Failure to provide all the required information may result in us being unable to undertake a full assessment of the application. The retention period for the data that we hold is explained in the attached privacy notice, together with your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation.
The Welsh Government and/or appointed Travel Agents will not be responsible for the following:Any additional costs incurred associated with re-arranging the time or date of your travel tickets and/or accommodation. If, the airline, through your late arrival or in their judgement deem you to pose any kind of security risk refuses to allow you to board.
Any costs incurred as a result of you being late for the arranged transfers from your accommodation to the airport.
Settling any additional facilities you may have incurred during your stay. You are responsible for settling your hotel bill before you leave.
Ensure that you have valid travel and medical insurance for your journey(s). Please carry the card or documents with you.
Ensure that you have obtained the necessary passport and entry document to satisfy the requirements of the country you are travelling too. Please refer to the Foreign Travel Advice for more information.
It is your responsibility to arrive in good time for check-in at the departure airport.