Falmai Roberts
Llaeth y Llan
In a nutshell:
Villiage Dairy
Farming & forestry
Food and Drink

I started the business 30 years ago with my husband; before this it was a small dairy farm and we couldn’t make a reasonable living off it.  We did a lot of research to see what we would be able to do with the raw materials we already had on the farm.  We’d already started a local milk round, and our first move was to offer fresh cream; We then identified a market for yogurt among all age customers.  We started making it in the airing cupboard and went from there!

Starting small you can decide if the product works before investing too much time and money into it

Falmai Roberts - Llaeth y Llan

The business grew and we applied for a European grant to help build a new dairy to the very highest standard. We now sell to most of the supermarkets throughout Wales and beyond as well as farm shops and delicatessens, and host various groups on farm to see the process.

Website: villagedairy.co.uk