Brynllech Project Update - July 2024

Due to a prolonged dry spell immediately following drilling, followed by a cold and wet Autumn and Winter, all three plots struggled to establish, leading to Rhodri to re-sow in April 2024 following the following method:

  1. Having to use a tine harrow to remove moss build up and crate disturbed soil for good soil to seed contact
  2. Broadcast seed at recommended rate
  3. Roll with grassland roller to consolidate

Good grass growth conditions followed in June 2024, ensuring good establishment.

The first cut and weigh analysis of Dry Matter grown on each plot was carried out on the 28th of June 2024. Average results can be seen below in Figure 4

Figure 4. Graph showing amount (in kgDM/ha) of available DM grown between 29 May and 28 June and corresponding grass growth rate (in kgDM/ha/day)

Find out more on this topic: 
Alternative forage systems for marginal land