News and Events
Pregnant women advised to avoid animals that are giving birth
Public Health Wales is reminding pregnant women to avoid close contact with animals that are giving birth.
Pregnant women who come into close contact with sheep during lambing or other farm animals that are giving birth may risk their own...
European Innovation Partnership – supporting innovation in agriculture and forestry in Wales
On Thursday 28 January, the Deputy Minister for Farming and Food, Rebecca Evans attended the National Plant Phenomics Centre at Aberystwyth University’s Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) in Gogerddan to officially launch the European Innovation Partnership for...
Meeting the ewes nutritional needs and maximizing lamb performance
As ewes approach lambing, their nutritional demands should be met by tailored rations based on analysed forages.
To ensure rations are targeted specifically for ewes in late pregnancy, farmers are being encouraged to have their forages analysed, especially baled...
EID Focus
Farmers looking to improve the performance of their flock are being urged to harness the technology available through Electronic Identification (EID).
Many farmers have now invested in EID technology in order to comply with legislative requirements, but are unsure...