The European Innovation Partnership (EIP) funding makes innovative ideas a reality on farms and woodlands across Wales. The funding scheme has up to £40,000 available per project for a maximum of 45 projects which will include all agricultural sectors in Wales. If you believe that your business can benefit from this kind of project, apply to be a part of an EIP group.

The aim of EIP is to bring people from different practical and scientific backgrounds together to solve agricultural problems by utilising new ideas and technology.


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Picture to the left: European Innovation Partnership Wales showcasing potential new technologies at the Royal Welsh Show this year. 

Knowledge Exchange Manager for Farming Connect, Lynfa Davies, said:

“From now on Menter a Busnes will be managing the entire EIP process which gives us the opportunity to streamline and simplify the application process. We are looking for projects that will improve efficiencies within your business and are likely to be transferable to a wider audience.

“It may be a new technology that you have heard about from another industry or sector within the agricultural industry and you feel it could help improve a particular part of your management system. This funding could allow you and a group of people with similar interests to try it out and see if it works in your business environment.

“Or, if you have a problem within your business but you’re not sure how to solve it, you can bring that problem to us and we will look if a project can be developed aimed at finding a solution.”

Every EIP group needs to include at least two farmers from separate businesses and at least one individual from a related organisation. They will work together with support from a fully funded Innovation Broker to develop a project which can run for up to three years. 

Further support is available to the group through Farming Connect’s Knowledge Exchange Hub, a collaboration with IBERS, Aberystwyth University. They will undertake some background research to see what is already known about your topic.

Farming Connect’s Knowledge Exchange Hub can also advise on how projects can be structured to get the best out of the funding you’re applying for.

If you’d like more information about the EIP project and on how to apply, click here. 

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