tudor helen richard roderick

One of the most prestigious prizes in Welsh agriculture, The John Gittins Memorial Award for outstanding contributions to the Welsh sheep industry, has been won this year by Mr Richard Roderick. Mr Roderick, his wife Helen and their family farm a mixed farm of 650 acres with sheep beef and arable at Newton Farm in the Brecon Beacons.

The judges, Wynne Davies, representing the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society, Kevin Parry, from the Welsh Mule Sheep breeders Association and Llew Thomas, from the National Sheep Association Wales, remarked that the quality of all the candidates was, as always, very impressive and the task of selecting an overall winner was an interesting challenge.

“Having interviewed the shortlisted candidates we collectively agreed that the winner this year should be Mr Roderick for his innovative ways of promoting Welsh Lamb and for his contribution to the sheep industry.”

Mr Roderick received the acclaimed award at this year’s Royal Welsh Winter Fair and said:

“We are very proud to receive the John Gittins award signifying recognition of the huge role that family farms play in the producing the world class product that is Welsh Lamb, while as the same time caring for the unique Welsh landscape in which we live.”

As well as Newton Farm being one of Farming Connect demonstration sites, Richard himself is also a Farming Connect Mentor with more than 30 years of experience running an agricultural business to share with others.

“My top tips for business success are to have a clear long term vision for the next 20 years and to formulate a solid plan to get there, taking advantage of all opportunities to benefit the business along the way.”

Dewi Hughes, Farming Connect Technical Development Manager explained how much he enjoyed working with Mr Roderick due to his innovative approach to work.

“We are delighted on behalf on Mr Roderick and his family in winning the John Gittins award which ads to a significant list of prestigious awards won by the Roderick family. It’s a great honour to work with progressive farmers who increase efficiency in a sustainable manner that drives their business forward.”

Winning such awards is nothing new for Richard as he also won the esteemed Farmers Weekly “Sheep Farmer of the Year Award” in 2015.

As a demonstration site, Richard has been involved in projects looking at food waste digestate as agricultural fertiliser which demonstrated substantial cost savings. The project showed that if the digestate was injected close to the plant roots, it grew 5% more grass per hectare than compound fertiliser. Richard is currently evaluating the possibility of enhancing his grain feeding system to finish Stabiliser bull beef before 15months of age efficiently. He will also be evaluating the performance of coated clover seeds vs. non-coated clover seed, this will be the first time this new variety of coated clover seed is tested in a field scenario.

Menna Williams, Farming Connect Red Meat Technical Officer for South Wales who has worked closely with Richard over the years said:

“Working closely with Richard and his family who has a very professional business approach coupled with detailed understanding of the agricultural industry in Wales is a pleasure. I also admire the way he communicates with all ages and professions, demonstrating why he is such a fantastic spokesperson for farming in Wales. Congratulations Richard!"

For further information on the demonstration network including the various project and events, please click here.


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