Moelogan Fawr Farm Facts

Moelogan Fawr Demonstration Site is a 304-hectare (ha) upland holding farmed by Llion and Sian Jones.

The couple had been tenant farmers on a National Trust farm before they returned to the farm which has been in Sian’s family for three generations.

Moelogan Fawr rises from 1,000 feet to 1500 and supports a beef herd of 100 suckler cows and 36 heifers and a flock of 1200 ewes.

Offspring from the spring-calving Stabiliser beef herd are all finished on farm and sold direct to slaughter to ABP or Dunbia or liveweight at Mold livestock auction.

The sheep flock is a mixture of Welsh, Cheviot and crossbred ewes. The majority of the crossbreds lamb indoors from the beginning of March but this year 120 were sponged to lamb in January; this allowed the ewes to be sold with their lambs at foot to aid cashflow at a quieter time of the year.

The Welsh and Cheviot ewes lamb outdoors from April.

All lambs are finished off grass; to reduce inputs of purchased feed, a mixed herbal ley has been planted to finish lambs.

5.7 hectares of swedes are grown to feed ewes 4-6 weeks before lambing.

Lambs are sold to Dunbia at a deadweight target of 16kg – 22kg.

10ha of trees have been planted through Glastir Woodland Creation.