I am an emotional empowerment coach, I specialise in helping adults and children conquer their anxiety, depression and stress.
I started my business after being bullied at work and leaving an emotional wreck. I wanted to make a difference to people’s lives.
I wanted the freedom to work on my terms and offer my services, knowledge and skills to help people live their best life. My business has changed greatly due to life experiences, learning and getting the right support from other business owners. No one really knows what it’s like to work for yourself unless they’ve been there, other honest business owners inspire me to keep going when it gets hard.
I suffered depression in 2015 and my business was failing, as was the rest of my life. I couldn’t function, I didn’t know who or how to get help for my business until I started talking to people and asking questions, listening to what they had to say and learning. The depression allowed me to further develop my business and create my own coaching model called The Dynamind coaching model
The best thing about being my own boss is the freedom to arrange my work around my family and being able to be creative and develop services without having to ask and without limitations.
Always stay true to your heart and your business idea, people will offer advice and guidance, but only you know your business.