Maisie Prior
Maisie Prior
The Luxury Copywriter
In a nutshell:
Freelance copywriting specialising in luxury brands
Creative Services

Maisie Prior, a 4th year linguistics student studying Spanish with International Experience took a keen interest in the luxury sector after working as a VIP lifestyle manager in Ibiza during her year abroad.  It was here she began to take on copywriting tasks while simultaneously networking with the world’s elite, who would soon become her prospective clients.

She originally set up the business with the intention that it would function as a kind of online business card, a place to digitally showcase her work whilst she applied for internships in the field. However enquiries soon flooded in and the business began to take shape and was set up in April 2016.

Maisie said of her plans “I’m excited to return to Bangor following my year abroad in Spain; it’s reassuring to know that there is a lot of support waiting for me upon my return. I’m really looking forward to taking part in B-Enterprising workshops and making the most of the 1-1 mentoring service. I would also love to contribute to the Bangor University student newspaper Seren.”

“My work at FMS really compliments The Luxury Copywriter, I’m fortunate to work alongside incredibly talented journalists, copywriters and creatives, as well as having the opportunity to build a diverse and editorially rich portfolio. I’m hoping to continue with the company upon graduation.”

Maisie Prior - The Luxury Copywriter

On her degree, Maisie comments that the Spanish language skills that she developed at Bangor were paramount to opening doors in the competitive job market. “Being bilingual has allowed me to work and communicate with people I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to.”

Maisie has also been awarded a Santander Enterprise Mobility Award and the funding will allow her to train with the Chartered Institute of Marketing. “Having the Advanced Copywriting Skills course under my belt will definitely give me the confidence to approach even bigger clients” she says.

She admits the venture presented a few challenges; “having never studied business, I found the accounting quite a daunting task at first. Building a website also took a good few days to get my head around, but it all came together quite quickly. All you need though is passion, an idea and self-belief; the rest has a funny way of working itself out!”

Maisie is currently interning at a FMS Global Media, a contract publishers in London that creates bespoke magazines for some of the world’s finest luxury brands (Quintessentially, Waldorf Astoria Hotels, Sunseeker)



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