maria garwell
Maria Garwell
Maria Garwell
In a nutshell:
Magician, Children’s Entertainer

I went to college for a year and worked on a Care and Catering Course. While on the course I completed work experience at an old persons’ home. The owner was a magician and would have magician friends calling there, one of which asked me if I wanted to be his assistant. I was offered the opportunity and took it. After meeting my husband, I decided to stay local which meant that I had to give up the assistant role. That is when I came up with the idea that I could be the magician and set up my own business.

If you really want to start a business or have an idea, and it’s something that you are passionate about, then you really don’t have anything to lose. You should get some experience by working in that field first, and then give it a go – anything’s worth a try.

Maria Garwell


The business was established in 1989, I specialize in children’s parties, but I also do weddings, schools, christenings and other functions. I enjoy the flexibility as I don’t have to work 9-5 every day, which means I can go off on holiday whenever I want.