Paola Dyboski-Bryant
Dr. Zigs Extraordinary Bubbles
In a nutshell:
Manufactures and produces some of the highest quality and most eco-friendly, low plastic, palm-oil free, bubbles in the whole world.
Advanced materials and manufacturing

I've always worked for myself and been a bit of a maverick. I started in business probably at the age of 8, making and selling beaded bracelets which I would sell on the passeggiata in Liguria in Italy where I grew up. I believe life is a great adventure and this has allowed me to have a wonderful and eclectic journey along the way.

I’ve always worked freelance, self-employed, or running my own business. I left home at 17, I’ve worked as an interpreter, a market-researcher, a theatre technician in the most famous theatres in London, a professional sailor, a marine biologist, an artist, a boat builder, an ethnographer. I went to Uni after my first two children were born, and undertook my degree in Sustainable Tourism, and my Masters in Marine Conservation whilst a single parent. I have sailed across the Atlantic, I worked with an indigenous tribe in the rainforests of Central America – with my children in tow.

In 2011 I set up and started Dr Zigs. I came across the bubbles thanks to my youngest son Ziggy – as a toddler Ziggy loved bubbles used to get crazy giggling fits when he saw them. From a curious hobby to a kitchen table start up, we are now award winning for our sustainable approach to business – and manufacture and produce some of the highest quality and most eco-friendly, low plastic, palm-oil free, bubbles in the whole world.

Dr Zigs has become the perfect vehicle for allowing me to explore a creative business flair, and a passion for entrepreneurship, imbued with the ethical and environmental drive which has so influenced my life.

Running Dr Zigs allows me to be innovative and disruptive, and all the while spreading happiness - one bubble at a time!

Day to day, I still love traveling, love the outdoors, and growing my own veg. I'm still passionate about human rights, the environment and our oceans. I love to sail, and love my other job of being a mother to three of the most awesome people in the world.


What I would share?  Running your own business can be hard work, but it is totally rewarding in allowing freedom for creativity and scope to create your dreams.  Believe in yourself, don't let people tell you that you can't do things.  Be inspired.  Always do things that make you happy.