Richard Wyn Huws
Richard Wyn Huws,
Pant Du a Richard Wyn
In a nutshell:
Vineyard and Orchards, selling wine, cider and apple juice
Food and Drink

Pant Du Vineyard and Orchards is located on the magnificent slopes of the Nantlle Valley, in North Wales. The vineyard and the orchard has been planted on the southern slopes of the glacial valley, at the foot of Snowdon since 2006. We have a café and shop on site, with spectacular views of the Snowdonia Mountains and panoramic sea views to the West. We are a thriving business, selling wine, cider and apple juice. We discovered spring water under the ground in Pant Du in January of 2013, and have since produced bottled valley water. 

Do your research yourself and go for it!

Richard Wyn Huws - Pant Du a Richard Wyn

My family bought the farm in 2003 when it was being used to raise livestock beef and sheep. Running a vineyard was always a dream of mine. 

I love having the freedom of internal decisions and being able to meet likeminded people, especially in the field of business; entrepreneurs who are able to outside the box.

It is so important to enjoy the work that you are doing. I want to share the knowledge that I have gathered on the road with the younger generation and to inspire them with the possibility of making money out of a hobby.
