Rob Oyston
Sports Xtra
In a nutshell:
Football sessions for children
Health care and Complementary care

Before I started my own business I completed a degree at Oxford Brookes University and coached football in USA.  I’m inspired by those who see a gap and aren’t constrained by what the perceived boundaries are. Essentially those that spot something and are brave enough to back themselves and give it a go! I was initially motivated to provide quality football sessions for four to seven year olds. We have evolved to also engage those children who wouldn’t normally participate in physical activity, through services like ‘spy school’ and ‘detective’.

If you have a good business model that you’ve planned and researched the best thing you can do is go out there and give it a go via a pilot. You’ll soon find out if there is interest in your product or service.

Rob Oyston - Sports Xtra

I have also gone from running a business in South Wales to running a national franchise network across the whole of the UK. The first year in business was very exciting, and the most valuable thing that I learnt was to set a date to get cracking and actually deliver the business model.
