Simon Lamble
Simon Lamble
Blossom Associates
In a nutshell:
Website consultancy
Financial and professional services

I started my career working in administration support for call centres, before then used my experience creating call centre systems to get a job at an Internet company and worked for 10 years at several large dotcoms, including roles as Director of  I realised I wanted to use my experience to help other companies, and set up my own consultancy, Blossom Associates. 

Talk to your customers - find out how they go about the buying process, what information they’re looking for, what needs they have.  And don’t procrastinate. Try and knock down the mental barriers and get out there. It’s much easier to improve things as you go, than to get everything right at the beginning.

Stephen Lamble - Blosson Associates

We are a website consultancy, specialising in creating and optimising our customers’ websites, as well as online marketing, search engine optimisation and digital strategy.  If I had my time again I wouldn’t procrastinate so much - my hatred of selling prevented me from getting out there sooner!
