UnLtd Try It Award
Are you passionate about creating social change?
Do you have an idea for a solution to a social issue?
The UnLtd Try It Awards offer a small amount of funding for inspiring individuals who want to try out an idea, so it’s perfect for you social innovators out there! It can help you with things such as marketing costs, mentoring, venues and much more.
How it could help you:
- Up to £500 of funding tailored to suit you
- One-to-one guidance from your UnLtd Award Manager
- Specialist advice from relevant experts
- Access to resources to help get you up and running
This award is designed to help you to progress at your own pace with the right support to develop your entrepreneurial skills.
You need to show that you are:
- Passionate about improving a social problem you have identified
- Able to demonstrate knowledge or experience of the problem
- Able to or have the potential to inspire others
- Able to or willing to make a personal sacrifice in the development of their project i.e. give your time to the project or make a financial contribution
The Initiative:
- Must be a solution to social issue
- Must be a learning opportunity for the applicant
- Must be for public or community benefit
- Must be in need of an UnLtd ‘Try It’ Award to succeed
- You must be aged 16+ (on date of application)
- The application must not be on behalf of an already active group
- You must be living in the UK
- The Award must not cover living expenses for the applicant
- It cannot be part of your job
- It cannot fund political campaigning or the advancement of religion.
- It must be a new project.
- It cannot be used to employ others to undertake the bulk of the activity
- Insurance
- Mentoring & Support
- IT and other relevant equipment
- Venue hire
- Printing, advertising and publicity
- Equipment hire
- Materials
- Volunteer expenses
- Travel and subsistence
- Company formation
- Registration fees
For further information please email your outline ideas to JaneRyall@unltd.org.uk by 31 Dec 2019.