Harri Tomos Tudor

Llanerfyl, Montgomeryshire

Harri Tomos Tudor, from Llanerfyl, Montgomeryshire is currently in his ‘year in industry’ from Reaseheath College and is living and working on a dairy farm over the border in Bishops Castle, before he returns to Reaseheath in September to complete his final year of the extended diploma in Agriculture (level 3). Harri has always taken an interest in the nearby family farm and said that witnessing the transition from a suckler cow and sheep farm to a dairy farm in 2020 is what inspired him to pursue a career in agriculture. 

Harri enjoys contract shearing and is keen to build upon his shearing experience in the future. He also regularly plays football and rugby having enjoyed a successful 4-year stint with the RGC Rugby team.

Having recently been working within a share farming partnership, Harri is keen to explore more and discover share farming opportunities. He is also keen to broaden his horizons and learn more about the agricultural industry outside of Wales and is looking forward to traveling to New Zealand.

One thing he is sure about is his dream to own a farm one day. He knows it won’t be easy as his parents don’t own a farm, but he is certainly determined.

Harri is hoping that his time on the Agri Academy will help shape the next stage of his career as he is undecided whether to continue with the formal education route and to study Agriculture at University or to search for a more practical route into agriculture.