Siôn Einion Pearson

Abercegir, Machynlleth

Siôn Einion Pearson, from Abercegir near Machynlleth is currently studying Agriculture at Newtown College. Sion has been involved in all aspects of farm work from a very young age and has developed a passion for sheep farming, particularly enjoying the lambing and shearing seasons. He also enjoys gathering sheep on the hills, working his own sheepdog, Meg.

As an active member of Bro Ddyfi YFC, Sion enjoys participating in various competitions such as stock judging and public speaking as well as performing on stage at the Eisteddfod and drama competitions. 

Sion has his sights set on a shearing season in New Zealand to build his shearing skills. His ultimate goal is to be able to run his own beef and sheep farm one day.

Sion applied for the Agri Academy in the hope that socialising with like-minded individuals and listening to different farmers and industry experts will give him the opportunity to broaden his horizons and develop himself. Sion has a very positive attitude towards agriculture in Wales and his future within the sector and believes that the Agri Academy will help him on his way to a successful future.