Current Daily Growth
72.1 kg DM/Ha
Current Stocking Rate
209 m
Grid Reference:
SN 13333 25507
51.896763, -4.7144221
Date Average Daily Growth (Kg DM/Ha) Average Farm Cover (Kg DM/Ha) Event
03/10/2023 47.8 2521
20/09/2023 64.0 2798
05/09/2023 70.0 2689
22/08/2023 59.0 2793
08/08/2023 79.3 2624
08/08/2023 0.0 0

Clungwyn, Efailwen, Clunderwen

  • Altitude: 209m
  • Main soil type (for the area being measured): Clay Loam
  • Main pasture type (for the area being measured): Rye grass some fields have clover content
  • Livestock Enterprise: Dairy
  • Grazing Management: 24hr paddock that change to 12 hr paddock if there's prolonged heavy rainfall.