Erw Fawr Demonstration Site update - Adjustment in grazing management paying dividends at Erw Fawr

Through careful measuring and weekly planning of the grazing platform, Ceredig Evans at Erw Fawr is now approaching the second round of grazing with his group of 140 in-calf mid to late lactation cows.  

Decisions have already been made through the interpretation of the grass wedge on grass management software AgriNet based on which fields will be closed off for silage, ensuring cows only enter paddocks with appropriate covers of no more than 3,000kgDM/ha. 

Knowing early on in the spring which fields to target grazing first and understanding recovery growth rates and rotation length has given Ceredig the confidence to turn out a part of his herd of all-year-round calving Holsteins earlier than usual. This has allowed him to gain more grazing in the spring leading to an increase in the total tonnage grown and its utilisation. By correctly allocating daily grazing areas, grass is now offered at the optimum 3 leaf stage with good levels of ME and digestibility in order to leave a manageable residual behind and rested for good quality regrowth. 

A combination of good weather and good quality first round grazing has led to a group average of 30 litres and 2.3 kg of milk solids (MS) per day based on 6 kgDM of concentrate fed in the parlour during two milking along with 15 kgDM of grass. 

As the weather gets warmer and cows’ grazing behaviour improves, Ceredig hopes to reduce the concentrate fed for the low yielding group. This will further increase the proportion of milk from grazed grass and reduce overall concentrate costs.


Date measured

Growth Rate
















Table 1. Growth rate and demand per hectare at Erw Fawr