19 July 2019



technical publication photo llun cyhoeddiad technegol

Did you know that our Technical Publication is posted and distributed to over 10,000 agricultural Farming Connect registered businesses?

The Technical Publication is one of many useful resources that is available for farmers and foresters through Farming Connect. It includes advice and guidance on a range of topics, and will provide you with useful reference tools and details about services and technical information, when needed.

The Technical Publication includes technical articles about a wide range of topics, for example in this issue we have an article about a beef farmer that halves winter housing period by rotationally grazing cattle. Technical updates are also available regarding sheep genetics, parasite management, herd foot health, the environment and much more.

As well as this, the Technical Publication is a way for Farming Connect registered individuals and businesses to receive updates about the services, events and excellent opportunities available in the coming months. In this issue, we have announced Agri Academy representatives, advertising the Innovation and Diversification Wales conference, share information about the Sustainable Farming Roadshow, as well as the project’s full events timetable, and to give you an idea about what will be on with Farming Connect at the Royal Welsh Show.

Farming Connect is making an effort to be more environmentally friendly. We have changed the way we package and post our Technical Publication and the packaging is now made of compostable biopolymer.

If you have registered with Farming Connect and have received our Technical Publication in the post - remember that they are compostable in any compost heap, in garden waste bins or in your household food bins!

If you haven’t registered with Farming Connect, and think you could get something out of our services, opportunities and events – get in touch! The new, integrated Farming Connect programme provides knowledge transfer, innovation support and advisory services for farmers and foresters throughout Wales. It provides a range of services and events which support the development of a more professional, profitable, diverse and resilient land-based sector. It promotes business-focused behaviour through our new and enhanced pan-Wales programme of knowledge transfer activities; specialist advice and innovation support. It delivers a new and enhanced programme of services and events within the following three categories; develop your business, invest in skills and mentoring and discover innovation.

For more information about our services, or if you would like to register to gain access to what we have to offer, contact us: 08456 000 813 or visit our websiteRydym yn croesawu galwadau yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls in Welsh.

Farming Connect, which is delivered by Menter a Busnes and Lantra, is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and Welsh Government.

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