
Specialist advice to improve business and technical performance 

Our Advisory Service provides expert, independent, confidential and bespoke advice to Welsh Farmers:

Our aim is to ensure you:

  • benefit from business support and/or technical advice, tailored to your business needs
  • transition effectively into the new Sustainable Farming Scheme
  • reduce costs by increasing efficiency across all areas of your business
  • benchmark your performance and work towards progress and growth
  • identify areas for improvement and find solutions to problems

  • up to 90% funding is available with a limit of £3000 per eligible business to access business and technical advice. Development Officers are on hand to support farmers with the application process.
  • One-to-one advice:

    up to 80% funded to a maximum of £1400 per instance.
  • Business Action Group:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Up to 90% funded up to a maximum of £450 per group member. Between three and eight businesses can apply for group advice.
  • Joint Venture:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        100% funded up to £1750 per group member. 
  • Anyone accessing the advisory service as an individual or as part of a group need to be registered with Farming Connect.
  • A business can access two instances of technical advice for the duration of the programme.


Are you ready to apply?

Before applying for business planning or technical advice available through the Farming Connect Advisory Service, you will need to:

  • register with Farming Connect - each business applying for the Advisory Service will need to have received an email or letter from Farming Connect confirming their registration.
  • check your eligibility for the Advisory Service.

Business planning and technical categories

Helping you meet your business aims and technical objectives.


Service limitations

Established farming business

Up to 90% funding available to access business and technical advice. Limited to £3,000 per eligible business (limitations apply)

Niche farming / horticulture systems under 3ha

Up to 90% funding will be available to access business and technical advice, limited to £3,000 per eligible businesses (limitations apply)

New entrant

New farmers/horticulturalists, with the training and experience to set up a new farm/horticulture business.

Up to 100% funding will be available on a case by case basis to access one instance of advisory support (Business Planning) over the duration of the programme.

Click here to view the full eligibility criteria.


The following links (under 'Advice Categories') set out the categories of business and technical support/ advice available through the Advisory Service. We hope that the brief descriptions enable you to make informed decisions on which category(ies) would most benefit your business, but if you need any further information or guidance, contact your Local Development Officer.

How to apply:

To apply and benefit from the advice available through our advisory service, please contact your Local Development Officer or contact us on:


 03456 000 813 / / / @FarmingConnect


Rydym yn croesawu galwadau yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls in Welsh.

The Farming Connect Service Centre is open between the hours of 9am and 5pm from Monday to Friday, excluding all public holidays.

Related Pages:

Latest news and technical articles related to Advice