Langtons Farm Project Update July 2024
- The project will use staggered planting dates in April, May and June to produce a reliable supply throughout the Summer and to push production as far into the season as possible to align with the Autumn school term. Late season temperatures will partly determine the success of the crop and other considerations will need to be addressed, including risk of blight.
- Planting dates for the project are as follows:
W/c 22/4
200x Sakura (cherry) (control against previous years)
90x rondobella (salad)
90x pozzano (plum)
W/c 5/5
160x cucumber (passandra)
W/c 13/5
40x of rondobella (salad),
plus 170x of pozzano (plum). (130x double stem, 40x single)
20x vivagrande (beef)
W/c 10/6
70x double stem, rondobella
70x double stem, pozzano
W/c 24/6
100x cucumber (passandra)
130x double stem, crimson crush (salad) blight resistant
- As of the end of June 2024 all of the crop is in the ground.
- At the start of the trial the growers were undecided on whether to erect permanent polytunnels on the new site in the initial season or caterpillar tunnels. The decision was made to go with caterpillar tunnels for flexibility (see photo)