With more of us shopping around on our energy contracts since the height of the energy crisis there is a bigger focus than ever on customer service and standards in the industry. With the energy crisis of 2022 switching activity pretty much vanished with only 1.3million switches recorded.  For clarity, this was down 73% on the c. 5million switches in 2021 and c. 2.5million swtches in 2023. 1With rates back to more stable levels there are many consumers changing suppliers again and this leads to an increase in problems as, like most things, the processes are far from perfect.  Couple this with requirements for newer products like renewable energy and an agreement to sell back to the grid and it soon becomes apparent that there is a lot of potential for things to go wrong. In this module we will explore the Problems often encountered in the Energy Industry, why they impact us all and aim to get you to understand how these can be solved.

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