Liz Bowes

Narberth, Pembrokeshire

03 07 2019 ElizabethBowes003

Liz Bowes was brought up on a dairy farm in Pembrokeshire.  Today, she is a land-based lecturer at Coleg Sir Gar.  She combines this role with working at the new dairy enterprise she and her partner set up near Narberth, where her main responsibilities involve helping out with the milking and calves as well as handling the financial and business affairs.   

Liz read Animal Science at Sutton Bonnington, Nottingham University, which she followed up with a teacher training qualification.  After a brief spell working as a trainee agricultural accountant, she and her partner then moved to France where they acquired a mixed beef and sheep enterprise.    She says that the combination of working in academia, accountancy and hands-on farming experience has given her valuable transferrable skills which she utilises every day.

“I have always had a love of the land and agriculture and my desire to impart my knowledge and inspire new people to earn their livelihood in farming is what led me to my career choices. I am sure that being part of the Agri Academy Rural Leadership Programme will give me new skills and the incentive to encourage even more young entrants into the industry and give them the training and motivation they need to succeed.

“The agricultural industry is facing unheralded change – through Brexit, through an aging population of farmers and through new technology. I look forward to being part of an agenda which helps capitalise on all the opportunities ahead, to secure a more sustainable way of farming which provides enough food for a global population.”