Could this be your chance to share valuable life lessons and experience with others and ‘give back’ to the Welsh agri-industry?

Farming Connect has begun its search for farmers, foresters and/or food producers with at least 15 years’ experience of running a farm or forestry business in Wales and who have the necessary skills and expertise to act as one-to-one mentors supporting the type of transformational change which will take the industry forward.

Once recruited, the new team will be responsible for mentoring a wide range of individuals ranging from new entrants and agri-businesses considering a significant change of direction such as diversification, adding value, expansion and new enterprises to those considering share or contract farming arrangements. The service will also be available to those facing extreme difficulties and hardship.

Eirwen Williams, director of rural programmes with Menter a Busnes, which delivers Farming Connect on behalf of the Welsh Government, says that the focus of this new mentoring initiative will be to offer a confidential service which provides an extra dimension to consultancy, by providing support and guidance tailored to individual needs, and which will help them fulfil their potential as successful and resilient business people. Mentees receiving the new service will need to be registered with the new Farming Connect programme.

“All applicants will be put through a rigorous recruitment process to ensure that we get the best people to fulfil the role and have a sufficiently diverse pool of experience and skills to match mentors and mentees to best effect.

“You’ll need to be a good listener, have great communication skills and be prepared to provide honest, constructive advice and feedback.

“Mentoring takes a very different approach to that of consultancy and an effective mentor needs to possess several specialist skills in order to nurture a successful relationship.  Recipients of the service will need to be able to voice their concerns freely and know that in return they can expect to receive an impartial, independent and informed perspective.

“Many mentors will be able to share their own personal experiences, because hearing about the successes or difficulties faced by others often helps people to have a fresh perspective on their own options,” added Mrs. Williams.

In addition to providing a soundboard to ideas, mentors will facilitate the process of decision making by suggesting other options that can be based on their personal experiences or wider knowledge of the industry.

They can also signpost mentees to other contacts and networks for personal and business development opportunities through the wider Farming Connect programme and beyond.

If you are interested in applying for a role as a Farming Connect mentor, you will find a detailed job specification and application form on the Mentoring page.
Alternatively contact the mentoring programme manager, Einir Davies on 01970 636297 or email:

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