skirrid timber

Natural Resources Wales is the Welsh Government sponsored body responsible for licensing tree felling in Wales. Their remit includes protecting the trees, woodlands and forests of Wales by controlling tree felling, and they encourage good forestry practice by setting standards, giving advice and providing information. If there is no licence or other felling permission in place, or if the wrong trees are felled, and it turns out that a licence or other permission was necessary, then anyone involved can be prosecuted. It’s important not to begin felling until the correct advice is sought and if necessary, Natural Resources Wales have issued a licence or other required permission. Any felling carried out without a licence or other felling permission is an offence, unless it is covered by an exemption.


Exemptions from the need for a felling licence

In any calendar quarter you may fell up to 5 cubic metres without a licence as long as no more than 2 cubic metres are sold. Calendar quarters are defined as 1 January to 31 March, 1 April to 30 June, 1 July to 30 September, and 1 October to 31 December. You should retain evidence if you fell more than 5 cubic metres over successive calendar quarters. You may find the Timber volume calculator (click on the tab) useful if you are unsure how to measure 5 cubic metres.

To find out what you need to know about getting permission to fell any trees for yourself or for someone else please click here.

Farming Connect’s enhanced programme for Farmers and Foresters is providing support which is transforming and improving prospects for thousands of business. To seek advice and information on Forestry issues and how to obtain a woodland management plan for your woodland please contact Farming Connect, details on the Farming Connect website. Or contact Geraint Jones, Forestry Technical Officer directly on: 07398 178698 or email

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