22 March 2018


Farming Connect, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government is working with vets across Wales to provide an opportunity for farmers to carry out animal health sampling and testing with their local vet.

The clinics will provide farmers with an opportunity to access support to investigate and test for relevant animal health topics within their business such as blood testing for trace elements or metabolic profiling as well as ram or bull fertility and genetic disorders screening. 

Dewi Hughes, Farming Connect’s Technical Development Manager said that this is a great opportunity for farmers to work with their local vet to investigate or test for specific animal health issues on their farms as part of an active animal health plan, which in turn will improve business productivity and enhance animal health and welfare. 

“We’re urging any farmers who feel that they can benefit from this opportunity to contact their local vet and Farming Connect directly”.

The following list of animal health clinics will provide farmers with subsidised analysis and consultation on specific topics relating to animal health.

·         Blood testing – Review trace elements, metabolic profiling

·         Faecal Egg Counting – Monitoring on-farm worm populations

·         Ram or bull fertility

·         Leptospirosis

·         IBR

·         Ecto parasites (Scab)

·         Screening for genetic disorders

·         Bacteriology – culture and sensitivity 

Farmers must confirm their interest with Farming Connect before any sampling/testing takes place. Limited funding available which will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. 

To register your interest in any of the above, please contact Gwenan Jones at Menter a Busnes on 01970 636296 or email: gwenan.jones@menterabusnes.co.uk

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